River Bank Restoration Project

Rio Verde, a breathing river that goes through our land. Everyday, there is one thing we are curious about. How is the river today? Is it high or low, fast or slow, muddy or clear? 🧐

In the rain season, when it rains a lot in the jungle, the river can go high onto the land, taking a good portion of the riverside along on its way to the Pacific Ocean. 🌊

With this project, we planted special trees that we started to grow last year, on the river side bank so that they can hold the earth. 🙏

"Coming from a concrete jungle and becoming somewhat competent in this environment has been quite a journey. I've dreamt about living moments like yesterday, and feeling the feelings I felt, for a very long time.

Very honored and joyful to be involved. Thank you Andreá, Iris, David, Javier and all involved in making yesterday a reality, and to everyone for allowing me to be here and live my version of a dream life with you…"

- DTL Community Member Joanne Mangion

Saturday, May 6 2023

Planting on the banks of the Río Verde, from the La Leticias Campus to Chontaduro. Soil tying trees were planted such as Ficus Citrifolia, commonly known as Higuerón de Rio (Fig of The River) is native to Latin America.

Also Chiparos and Tejedor, this was done with the aim of preserving the riverbanks and lowlands of the river to avoid landslides, that every year all the residents live in anxiety of, due to nature.

Thanks to a couple of foreigners who reside in the La Leticia estate and saw the need to contribute to the conservation of river banks and streams to preserve our vital source which is water.

A meeting was held for concerned farmers on May 2nd at Durga’s Tiger Land. Its owners, Iris Disse and her husband, David Honer, kindly received us and made known their concerns and support for the project and for the growth of the community.

The highly contested residents attended and participated, making known many concerns that they are experiencing daily and it was also agreed to work together for the well-being of the community. It was decided that the first gathering, in order to plant the aforementioned trees, would be carried out.

On Saturday, May 6, the project was started to ensure the preservation and future of generations to come.

The participate were:

  • Santo Bone where 5 trees were planted - 3 Higuerón and 2 Chiparos

  • Fernando Rodriguez - 2 Higuerón

  • Maria Bone - 3 Higuerón and 1 Chiparo

  • Juan Bone - 2 Higuerón

  • Aracely Ortiz - 3 Higuerón

  • Red - 3 Figs

  • David Höner - 13 Higuerón

  • Tiberio Lemos - 26 Higuerón and 7 Chiparo

  • Alfredo Lemos - 17 Higuerón

Giving a total of 62 Higuerón, 10 Chiparo. We where all children from the community, youth and adults collaborated with the minga, resulting in a very fruitful work. We
also appreciate the participation of Dr. Joanne Mangion.

Our Field Manager: Javier Bone
The collaboration of our Forestry Technician: Felito Nazareno
And, all the participants.

written by Andreá Cevallo


Casa Yura // Complete


Bamboo Sala Construction //Through August 2022